
Stinkin' cute boots

Seriously can't wait to see this movie

I thought I would share some of my little sister's photography with you. Cristin has such talent. I don't think she realizes it yet. I am encouraging her to follow this talent as she is taking classes in school. I love the way she looks at the world. These are a few of her photos from her recent trip to Boston. She was able to stay with her dear friend Aspen from school, and I guess as an added bonus she was able to see her sweetheart Chris while she was there. I can't wait to hear all about the trip.
I am off to snuggle up with my sweet little Zoe. It has become somewhat of a ritual lately. I put Aris to bed in the girls room. Then Zoe asks to sleep in my bed. How can I resist? I clean up the morning mess and lay down with my little snuggle buddy. All toasty like under the covers. It's especially nice on days like today. The sky has been grey and moody since I woke up this morning. Days like today make nap time even more enjoyable. Tonight Sloan and I will go to the diabetes support group. After that I will be sewing my little heart out. Can't wait to show you the finished dresses.
I have a little snuggle buddy, too, and there is nothing like snuggling with her. I will miss these days someday. Enjoy, dear friend.
Love your sisters pictures
Oops! I got cut off! Love the pictures!:) Can't wait to see your sewing!! Lori
Your sis takes great pics. She is talented like her big sister. Must run in the family. Cant wait to see your dresses! Blessings, karen
can't wait to SEE the finished dresses.
i took a nap today too, on the couch, while i shamelessly put on a movie for the kids. i was in and out of sleep with a certain two younger ones that kept crawling in and out with me, but it was pretty nice. yup. pretty darn nice.
Just found your site name over at Morning Glories, so I had to pop over for a visit! Beautiful. Love the artful creativity!
Her pictures are great, I really like the one looking down at her boots, that's a picture I would totally take! :o)
I was just blog hopping, and came across your blog! LOVE it! :o)
I love snuggling even though my kids are older.
Can't wait to see the finished dresses.
Love your sister's pictures.
I saw you on Kimberely's blog and wanted to say hi!
Lovely photos!! Your new banner is so cute too:):) Have a happy and snuggly weekend!! xox...jenn
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