Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Creative Mind Debacle

Aris' idea of making a bed

The above photo is kinda how my brain feels at the moment. All sorts of stuff going on, so many things I need to do. A million other things I'd like to do. And then there is the list of "things to finish" that has been haunting me for most of my adult life. Sometimes I wish I had the courage to just take a huge box and throw most all of what we have in our home in it. Set it by the curb and put a giant "Free stuff" sign on it. Not practical I know but I'd have a clean slate to work in. Moving eliminated a ton of junk but somehow things just seem to creep back in when you have 4 kids. Don't even get me started on all of my art & crafting crap that I have piled in my work space. It's revolting. I just have so many ideas and really in truly not enough time to do all that I'd like. Time management has never been my strong suit. Am I the only one who struggles with this? I feel like I am. Sometimes I find that I have so many things that I want to be doing that I can't even begin on anything because I can't figure out what I want to do more. It's ridiculous! I'm pretty sure there is some kind of syndrome or textbook explanation for what is wrong with me. However I'd like to refere to it as Creative Mind Debacle or CMD for short. There is no know cure as of yet, but I'm told sleep can help immensely in lessening the symptoms. It has also come to my attention that surrounding yourself with people you love & other artists can help to lessen feelings of anxiety. So if you are suffering from CMD, as I am, please don't be afraid to talk about it. Leave me a comment. I'd love to hear your problems & solutions. Remember you are not alone (I'm hoping I'm not the only one). Maybe we can battle this crazy creative disorder together.


Elissa said...

i don't know whether i have CMD or not, but i sure do have a jumbled mess of a brain and of a house so i'm with ya babe! actually, i think i am far beyond you. you always seem to be accomplishing SOMETHING. you seem to dive right in to projects that i have had on my list for AGES!!!

Unknown said...

Ahhh, Summer, you suffer along with all of us who refer to ourselves as 'artists'. Our solution would be to have bodies/minds that required NO sleep but hey, that's not gonna happen! In the meantime, love those babies, nurture yourself and I promise you, in 'time', your season will come.

Michelle said...

A friend of mine wisely called this time of our lives "the sacrificial years". Young children are one of the primary causes of CMD. I know I suffer from it. I wish I knew the cure, cause I'd share it with you.

An Art Nest said...

Nx: Risk for CornPop Meltdown r/t CMD
(nursing diagnosis)
Objective Data: irritability, periods of complete blankness, frantic searching for a box of opened cereal
Subjective Data: artist states "this is hopeless and I just can't get through all this crap"
Nursing Goal: Artist will not have a CornPop Meltdown AEB: Cornpops stay in the box throughout stressful situations and verbalization of 1 coping mechanism
Nx Interventions:
#1: Assess for CornPop Meltdown to obtain baseline date q4hrs
#2: Encourage Artist to take one thing at a time PRN
#3: Gently remind artist that there is a time for everthing PRN
#4: Have artist list one friend (ie:Susannah) that she can call if she feels a Cornpop Meltdown coming on - write number in a visible area near the telephone

Amy R. said...

Ahhh, I feel your pain! I think the above comments hit the nail on the head. It's these kids that do it to us! My mind is very jumbled most days and I feel there is just no uninterrupted time to do anything really creative, so I have just started doing the easy, lazy stuff that requires little time and thought. Clutter also comes with children, so it is a constant battle at our house too. Somehow we must find peace in the middle of it and just know that it won't be like this forever!
You are not alone! Hang in there and tell hubby you need a couple hours to yourself...

Ctina said...

I just wish I had one room in order that I could walk into and feel the calm of everything in its place. Just one. I work better with a bit of chaos here and there but now I'm feeling thwarted by clutter and discontent. It's difficult to find inspiration in a room full of baby equipment or what I like to call the the "knee-high" obstacle course. Just one room please.