Monday, March 17, 2008

And here is the rest of the story

Zoe threw up three more times during the early morning. At about 11:30 I put her down for a nap and she slept until 4:30. Tonight she was running around until bedtime like nothing had ever happened today. I still wouldn't let her eat anything but applesauce and crackers. Tomorrow things will hopefully be back to normal. I was able to work on Katie Turtle for a bit today. I usually go to work on things as soon as the girls go to bed, however tonight I just finished cleaning up the remains of the day (A great movie by the way), and My hubby is sitting on the sofa waiting for me to snuggle up to him to watch a few minutes of TV before we go to bed. I am going to snuggle him up and relax. I think I deserve it today. Good night until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cordwood Cabin said...

Poor Zoe!!! Stomach bugs are the worst! Btw, I agree ... Remains of the Day is a great movie, and a fantastic book to boot. Katie Turtle looks awesome, can't wait to see the finished product -- Eliza