All you have to do to win this original painting is to leave a comment. If you link back to this post on your blog, you will have your name added 5 more times to the drawing (that's a total of 6 chances to win Slugger). You can link back to this post by pressing the "Links to this post" and then press "Create a link". I am sure there is an easier way of doing this, but I am just learning how to do this link business. The winner will be chosen by one of my munchkins Monday August 11, 2008 at 4pm. My girls are having just as much fun with the giveaways as I am. They love to pick the winners.
"Take me out to the Ballgame" measures 9"x10". This is hand painted by me! I used a medium thick watercolor paper and watercolors with some acrylic. A frame will not be included in this giveaway unless I can find one that I think looks cute. Look forward to seeing Slugger and you at the big game on Monday. Oh, I almost forgot, I'll bring the Crackerjacks!
This is why cute Summer. I love it.
Thanks for the comment on our site.
You are soo talented. I wish I could paint. Love him!
Oh I adore that painting. I would love to have him hanging on my wall. He is so cute!
Oh I fogot to tell you that I added a link to your giveaway on my blog for you.
Sign me up! Hayden could hang it in his room! Of course I'm creating a link on my blog!
Slugger is adorable! Great for baseball fans!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Oh Summer he's so cute!!! Now I'm going to have to keep my fingers crossed on this one cause my youngest son would sure love this on his wall! He's my base ball boy. I will add a link from my blog for the giveaway too. Thanks, Karen
Super cute! I love the colors! Painting is the one skill that seems to have passed me by... I'm soooo jealous!
Another masterpiece! Please don't include me in the giveaway, though, as there are no little boys in my home... So cute, though!!:-) Lori
I would love to have the chance to win!!! It's a beautiful painting!!! You are so talented!!! :)
yay, sign us up!!! If we win, he's too cute not to post on the CC blog! Love the sketch pics you posted, too, btw -- Eliza
My kids are big time artist`s and they just fell in love with slugger!!Please enter me in this giveaway!!I`ll post about this on my blog too and link it back to you!!Have a wonderful Lord`s day:)
Aww adorable painting!
This would go perfect in DS bedroom(he is 2 and his room is BB themed!)
I love this little Slugger - he's perfect for my 7-year-old who is fascinated with sea creatures (especially the squid and octopus), and he plays baseball!
I linked back to your giveaway at www.summerstead.blogspot.com
saw this picture..and now..I must say I have the song going through my head..pretty soon I will be bursting out into song. very nice art work. wouldbe delighted to enter your drawing. found you by way of gagirl.
he is so cute! maybe you can put baseball bats in all off his arms and send him out to find the little punks who messed with our cars!! hehe.
Sarah, you are too funny. Last night some punk kids went through our neighborhood and vandalized cars, trucks and tagged a bunch of property. Very sad. They threw a big rock at my new car and took a key and scratched Tony's truck. What a shame.
Way cute! I want this for the new baby's bedroom! I am definitely linking for my max 6 entries!
Summer- I e-mailed you awhile back with your Fall Swap partner information.... I wonder what happened? Oh, well, I probably typed your address incorrectly! Sorry!:-( I will e-mail you again right now.:-) Lori
Wow Summer, the details are great! Please add me to the giveaway.
I love you!
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