The other day Dean & I were heading to one of the 3 inspections we had at the house we are in the process of purchasing. All of his spiral notebooks have been hijacked by one of our three little ones. The pages filled will cute drawing, scribbles and pen marks. Poor guy. I can understand the frustration of not having what you need when you want to use it. So I ran into Walmart & picked up 5 old school notebooks. They were a dollar each & I thought, hey, I'm so good! What a bargain. Now my hubby can have all the crispy lined goodness he wants.

We went to the inspection & scribbled a few things down in one of the notebooks. Only later when we got home and the girls freaked out about all of the new notebooks did I find out the truth. Dean hates those kinds of notebooks. Nope, won't touch em. He only likes the "spiral" kind. So guess who got fresh crispy lined goodness that evening? All three girls.

You would have thought they won the lottery! I told them that we were doing something a little different with these. Once they heard the proposed idea everyone was pretty excited.

Art journals. Yup. No random page scribbles, unless they want to that day of coarse. It's been a fun way for me to listen to the little ones talk about what they were thinking when they were creating. Sloan has really gotten creative with her entries. We don't get to them everyday, but my goal is to have one notebook filled for each kiddo, every year. There are 100 sheets, 200 pages, so I feel it's pretty doable. Wouldn't it be fun to have an art journal for each one of them through the years? I think it would be a neat memory to give them when they are grown and have kids of their own.